Who we are

Natural By Design runs intimate, 2-3 hour workshops based around natural health, wellness and the environment. We want you to come have a good time, learn to make something new and enjoy a glass or organic wine or try a kombucha cocktail. Did we mention the amazing grazing platters?!
But wait.. that’s not all we’re about! I mean.. it’s a big part of it.. but we’re also a community. We provide support for personal growth and create a safe place where you can learn and share ideas. We have a passionate community of Naturopaths, Nutritionists and Horticulturalist (for all those fellow plant lovers). Come find your holistic balance and be part of something special... let’s grow this community together.
About Me
Hi there, I'm Ashlee and I created Natural By Design. Now everyone has a story so here's mine..
I am a crazy, always singing (loudly), always dancing (badly), left shoe on my right foot kinda girl. Years ago I was a mad work-a-holic and not the work smart kind but the kill myself work hard kind. I did the whole long hours, poor diet and try to squeeze in a social life instead of sleep thing.. now you've heard it before and you know where I'm going with this.. I fried myself!! That high energy craziness that I love about myself.. packed its suitcases and left behind a ghost of a person. My symptoms were so bad that they were testing me for Addison's Disease.. when I think about it now I'm like 'what did I do to my poor body'. After the doctors could find nothing medically wrong with me, I went to see a Naturopath and so began my health journey. The more I learnt, the more I wanted to know.. so I enrolled myself to study a Bachelor of Health Science in Naturopathy and here we are!
Why did I start NBD? I believe natural health should be practised daily as a form of preventative medicine. Imagine how much pressure that would take off our health system! I also don't believe that it should be soooo expensive to see a Naturopath.. learning about my body shouldn't cost me thousands of dollars!!! Seriously!! Not only that but change is hard. I have a lifetime of bad habits that I continue to fall back into. I know that when I'm surrounded by people who support and help me.. well it makes it that little bit easier and that's all the difference. But we're not just about health, we're also about the environment. These two work in synergy with each other and both need to be nurtured and loved. Natural By Design is for all of you out there who want to feel good, who care about the environment and for those who want control of their own bodies.. so I'm giving you the how! As for the bubbles and bucha.. that's just because.. why not?! haha